Bernhard Keller

Total work of art worker

+ Birth: February 14, 1968 in Winterthur
+ Schools in Winterthur: Matura type E
+ two-dimensional works
+ Primary school teacher training
+ Various jobs as a train assistant,
   secretary, construction worker,
   farm worker
+ Apprenticeship as stone sculptor EFZ
+ Working as a comprehensive school
   teacher in Mutten
+ Own sculpture workshop since 2010
+ Various art events, art in public space
   and participatory art since 2012        
+ Working as a specialist teacher for visual
   and technical design at the upper level
+ Co-founder, Co-headmaster,
   course instructor and president of the
   association Bildschule Buchs       

Bernhard Keller

+ 2024: Kunstaktion "Mal mit mir!"
+ 2024: Kunstbaustelle
+ 2023: "Chalk-art", New York, Boston, Port.
+ 2022: "Love is all around", Bildschule B.
+ 2022: "Echo" mit Schloss Werdenberg 
+ 2021: Kunstaktion "Paint 'n' roll"      
+ 2020: Kunstaktion "Round and round
+ 2019: Kunstaktion "Round and round
+ 2018: Kulturcontainer, Ostschweiz
+ 2017: Kunstaktion "Im Fluss", Vaduz
+ 2017: Stierparade, Zug
+ 2017: Kunstaktion "A rolling stone" 
+ 2016: Kunstfest, Buchs SG
+ 2015: Kunstaktion "Slow motion 3"
+ 2014: Kunstaktion "Slow motion 2"
+ 2013: Kunstaktion "Slow motion 1"
+ 2013: WIGA, Buchs SG
+ 2012: Kunstaktion "Natur und Zivilisation"
+ 2011: AZWO, Buchs SG
+ 2010: Gruppenausstellung, Buchs SG
+ 1994: Technikumstr. 44, Winterthur
+ 1992: Technikumstr. 44, Winterthur









Bernhard Keller
Schulhausstrasse 26
CH-9470 Buchs SG

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